Media database WEMF
New with online publications

The MedienDB offers cross-media ad planning. New also for online publications.
Since autumn 2021, online publications (websites, networks, environments) can participate in the WEMF media database in addition to print publications. Among other things, tariff information, possible advertising formats and delivery details can be recorded.
From spring 2022, the online publications recorded will be visible, plannable, calculable and bookable for the advertising market. Thus, they can be used for detailed views and tabulation for comparisons. In addition, the database solution enables a clear and efficient, international research and campaign planning of advertising-relevant publications in the D-A-CH area.
The media database makes the offers of advertising-relevant publications for the Swiss advertising market visible, accessible, plannable, calculable and bookable at any time. It includes all relevant publication and price information as well as booking and production data of the listed newspapers, magazines and online publications. This makes the publications' offers transparent, clear and comparable. The media houses record their data themselves and thus guarantee content quality and topicality. The source for efficient ad planning includes all decisive data in one tool: This enables continuous planning from analysis to booking. MedienDB is available in three different versions: FREE, STANDARD (for functionalities see price list) and PRO (for professionals). All are accessible via the NEXT>LEVEL data portal.
Benefits advertising market
- Comprehensive database solution for campaign planning
(analysis - calculation - booking) - comprehensive, transparent and comparable planning data
(publication / price information) - simplified planning of advertising campaigns
- creation of clear publication and production plans with campaign subjects
- optimised connectivity with studies and statistics
- individual notification for booking data
- individually definable booking recipient per title
- calendar with selectable planned costs
Benefits Media market (or for own publication)
- Visibility in the advertising market with all relevant publication information (basic information, rate information incl. discounts, contact information, billing information, booking information, technical specifications / printing information)
- Plannability thanks to listing in the established data portal NEXT>LEVEL
- Bookability thanks to a comprehensive database solution
- Control over the recorded data thanks to an easy-to-use input tool
Contact Advertising Market / Media Market