
NZZ Leadership Study

The study on decision-makers

NZZ Führungskräftestudie

The NZZ Leadership Study analyses the prime target group decision-makers.


The study provides specific information on media usage, purchasing power as well as investment and consumption behaviour of the reader segment in the German-speaking region of Switzerland. WEMF conducts the representative study on behalf of the NZZ.

The most recent edition of the study was published in July 2021

Benefits for advertising and media market  

  • Representative data on the prime target group German-speaking Swiss executives
  • Detailed analyses thanks to high sample size (2,089 interviews)
  • Additional evaluations of the target group comprised of top executives with an annual income of more than CHF 140,000
  • Quantitative and qualitative insights into the use of selected print and online media
  • Target group information in the areas of consumption, real estate and finance
  • Information on occupation and decision-making skills

Contact Advertising Market / Media Market

Stefanie Hitz
Stefanie Hitz

Marketing Manager Strategy & Research chez NZZone

E-Mail+41 44 258 16 98