

Important terms from the world of advertising and media briefly explained


Acceptance Icon/plus_white

Conformity of the impression of the object under investigation with the consumer's need structure.

Additional circulation Icon/plus_white

Difference between the »» large circulation and the »» standard circulation of a title.

Advertisement Icon/plus_white

Advertisements in daily newspapers and magazines, spots on TV and radio, etc.

Advertising expenditure in Switzerland (Advertising statistics Switzerland) Icon/plus_white

This survey, conducted annually by WEMF on behalf of the Stiftung Werbestatistik Schweiz (Swiss Advertising Statistics Foundation), provides information on the net amounts invested by advertisers in the most important advertising media for the dissemination of their advertising messages over the course of a year (net advertising expenditure). The following media categories are covered: Press, television, radio, online advertising, cinema, direct advertising, outdoor advertising and advertising and promotional items.

Advertising media Icon/plus_white

Print media, TV, radio, cinema, poster, website, etc.

Advertising statistics of the Swiss press Icon/plus_white

The advertising statistics of the Swiss press provide monthly information on the development of the advertising volume in Swiss press titles and online publications. It enables benchmark comparisons and provides valuable data for market development. The industry statistics show the number of advertising pages sold (press) and the net sales in francs (press and online). These are aggregated at category level in each case. This means that the turnover values of individual titles are not published. The advertising statistics are collected by WEMF on behalf of the SWISS MEDIA Association (VSM). The data is available exclusively to the participating media houses and the VSM.

Affinity / Affinity Index Icon/plus_white

Indicator expressing the suitability of a medium to reach a target group. Ratio of reach in the target group to total reach multiplied by 100 (indexed). Affinities above 100 indicate above-average, below 100 below-average suitability of a title in the respective target group. Affinity index = reach in % in the target group x 100 / reach in % overall. The higher the index, the better the media performance of a title in the respective target group.

Agglomeration Icon/plus_white

Definition according to the typology of the Federal Statistical Office.

APX (Average Page Exposure) or average page exposure Icon/plus_white

Quantitative assessment of the use of an average page in the issue of a title. Step towards measuring the attention paid to advertisements (»» advertising media). The APX is calculated by multiplying the number of normative pick-ups per issue by the average readership per pick-up: APX = number of pick-ups per issue x readership per pick-up. For example, an APX of 0.9 means that a page in a given title is picked up an average of 0.9 times. The APX value is a measure for assessing the transport performance strength of a page in a title and thus complements the reach, which assesses the transport performance of an issue as a whole.

Average contact / Opportunity to see (OTS) Icon/plus_white

The »» gross reach of a »» media plan is usually greater than its net reach. The average contact (OTS) indicates the ratio between gross and net reach of a media plan. The formula is: OTS = gross reach (contact total) of a media plan / net reach of a media plan. The OTS shows the number of average contacts per person reached.

Average Page Exposure Icon/plus_white

»» APX.

Average page impressions Icon/plus_white

»» APX.


Benchmarking Icon/plus_white

Comparison of own position with the competitive environment.

BPI Icon/plus_white

«Better Prediction Initiative» is an industry initiative of the WEMF that supports publishers, marketers and advertising clients in validating and optimising predictions about the users of their online platforms in order to display advertising in the digital world as accurately as possible. » » PAC

BRS, Broadest Readership (formerly WLK, Weitester Leserkreis) Icon/plus_white

Refers to the number of people who have held a print title in their hands to read or leaf through it in the last six months.

BUS, Broadest Usership (formerly WNK, Wider User Circle) Icon/plus_white

Shows how many people have visited a cinema at least rarely or used the Internet, a website, TV or radio at least rarely.


CATI Icon/plus_white

Computer Assisted Telephone Interview is a telephone interview in which the respondent is guided through the interview with computer assistance.

CAWI Icon/plus_white

Computer Assisted Web Interview. The interviews take place directly on the computer screen. The interviewee fills out an interactive online questionnaire. 

Certified circulation Icon/plus_white

 Circulation certification.

Cinema / contact total of a cinema pool Icon/plus_white

Indicates how many cinema visits occur in a week in the cinemas of a cinema pool.

Cinema / weekly reach of a cinema pool Icon/plus_white

Indicates how many people attend at least one cinema performance in a cinema of a cinema pool per week. If a person goes to a cinema of the same cinema pool more than once in a week, it counts only 1 time.

Cinema pool Icon/plus_white

Mergers of certain cinemas.

Circulation auditing Icon/plus_white

The WEMF/KS circulation certification is intended to ensure that the circulation figures of regularly published print media (titles) are determined according to the same criteria per press category and are thus comparable. Details are laid down in the WEMF/KS circulation certification regulations. The advertising industry associations officially recognise the WEMF/KS-certified circulations as the only authoritative ones. The officially recognised circulation of a print press product in Switzerland bears the seal "WEMF/KS-certified". Only advertising-relevant titles whose circulation figures are published in the Bulletin can label the declared figures as "WEMF/KS-authenticated" from 1 September, stating the survey period. The certification is based on the principle of self-declaration. Thus, the media house reports all copies distributed in the survey period, printed or digital, and undertakes to undergo a follow-up check by renowned auditing companies, specialists or by auditors of the WEMF.

Complete edition Icon/plus_white

Newspapers with head pages or partial issues that appear under different title names in the reader market.

Confidence interval Icon/plus_white

Uncertainty range for results based on random sampling. A random sample cannot provide exact information about the population under investigation; the results obtained on the basis of a sample are only valid for the population within a certain confidence interval. The confidence interval can be calculated for a degree of certainty of 95 per cent accuracy according to the following formula: = +/- 1.96*√p*q/n, where p = percentage of a characteristic in the sample (e.g. cRR in %), q = 100 - p, n = size of the sample (number of cases). The (calculable) confidence interval depends on two variables: the sample size and the response distribution. The following applies: the larger the sample, the smaller the confidence interval. And: the greater the difference between the affirmative and negative answers, the smaller the confidence interval.

Consumer behaviour Icon/plus_white

Includes the (private) consumption or use of goods.

Contact Icon/plus_white

Any contact between a person and an advertising medium or a person and an advertising medium; chance of encounter between reader and ad.

Contact costs Icon/plus_white

 Thousand-contact price / CPM, »» average contact, »» contact distribution.

Contact distribution Icon/plus_white

Indicates how many people in a defined target group come into contact with all the advertising media selected in the scatter plan and how often. In contrast to the OTS value (which shows the average number of contacts per target person reached), the contact distribution shows how the contact probabilities are distributed across all persons reached in the advertising target group. »» Scatter plot, »» Average contact, »» Contact, »» Contact cost.

Control Fieldwork WEMF studies Icon/plus_white

a) Telephone interviews (»» CATI) are conducted under the supervision of the institute's own supervisors and are 

b) randomly checked by WEMF field supervisors. 

c) Follow-up telephone calls are carried out in approx. 5 % of the realised interviews.

Copytest Icon/plus_white

Estimation or testing of the advertising impact of an advertising medium. Including the editorial section of a newspaper or magazine.

Cost per thousand (CPT) / Cost per mille (CPM) Icon/plus_white

Indicator for assessing the relationship between the advertising costs (e.g. of a media plan) and the size of the gross readership reached with the »» media plan (= total contacts). »» Media planning. The formula is: CPM = advertising costs / gross reach in thousands.

CPM Icon/plus_white

Thousand-contact price.

Cross table Icon/plus_white

Tabulation of two or more variables with their expressions. »» NEXT>LEVEL, »» Variable.

cRR, calculated Recent Readership. (formerly LpA, Readers per Issue) Icon/plus_white

Indicates the readership of an average issue. It is calculated on the basis of the usage frequencies recorded in the MACH Basic survey and the time of the last use of a print title. The reach cRR can be used to calculate media plans.

CTQ Icon/plus_white

The «contact and title qualities» supplement the purely quantitative reach information of » »  MACH Basic and provide insights into the usage habits of the readership and their loyalty to the press titles used.
press titles used with the following four key figures:
1. number of » »  pick-ups per issue (PUpA)
2. » »  Reading time per issue (LDpA) 
3. » »  Read quantity per output (LMpA) 
4. » »  Title loyalty (missing question)


Demographics Icon/plus_white

Number, structure and development of people in a given area. Demographic characteristics: e.g. age and gender. »» Socio-demographics.

Distribution plan / scatter diagram Icon/plus_white

Also called dissemination plan or distribution plan. Contains all dates and technical details for the placement of advertising.

DOOH - Campaign Certification Icon/plus_white

The WEMF Digital Out-of-Home Audit (WEMF DOOH Audit) enables marketers of DOOH advertising space to prove to their clients that a DOOH campaign was delivered as agreed.

dRR, direct Recent Readership (formerly LpN, readers per number) Icon/plus_white

Readership of an average issue of a title; the »» dRR results directly from the survey.

Dual reader Icon/plus_white

Indicates the overlap between the readerships of two or more titles. The double readership (external overlap) reduces the »» net reach compared to the »» gross reach (»» contact total). »» Average contact.


Economic zones Icon/plus_white

Download PDF map «WEMF areas»

ENK Icon/plus_white

 Narrower user group. New »» RUS, Regular Usership.

E-paper Icon/plus_white

The terms «replica» and «e-paper» are understood as synonyms. »» Replica.

Exclusive readers Icon/plus_white

Opposite term to double reader. The exclusive reader uses only one of the two titles surveyed and shows no overlap with the other print medium.

Expanded circulation Icon/plus_white

Some newspapers are distributed in both a normal and a large circulation. The large circulation is distributed free of charge to all households in a certain area in addition to the normal circulation. With certain additional questions and a specially developed evaluation model, the reading behaviour for large circulation (G) and for normal circulation (N) is determined and shown separately. »» Normal Circulation.

External overlap (double reader) Icon/plus_white

Indicates the overlap between the readerships of two or more titles. The external overlap reduces the »» net reach compared to the »» gross reach (»» contact total). »» Average contact.

Extrapolation Icon/plus_white


Extrapolation basis MACH Basic Icon/plus_white

Statistics on population and households (STATPOP) of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, reduced by those persons who, by definition, do not belong to the MACH »» population.

Extrapolation factor Icon/plus_white

Indicates the ratio of »» sample to »» population. The extrapolation factor shows for how many people an interviewed person has provided information on behalf of. The formula is: extrapolation factor = population / sample size.


Fieldwork / field phase Icon/plus_white

Survey period.

Filter questions Icon/plus_white

Depending on the answer, certain questions are skipped. Filtering takes place in CATI interviews and CAWI interviews due to programming. »» CATI. »» CAWI.

Frequency question Icon/plus_white

Question relating to the proportion of issues of a title that are normally read or leafed through.

Full survey Icon/plus_white

Collecting information from all persons of the »» population. Contrast: »» sample.


Gross reach Icon/plus_white

Sum of the reach of different advertising media. Corresponds to the contact total. »» Reach (net reach), »» GRP.

Gross sample Icon/plus_white

Initial sample according to the research design. »» Net sample.

GRP Gross Rating Point (contact total) Icon/plus_white

Is a performance indicator of a media plan. It shows the advertising pressure of the plan. The GRP corresponds to the net reach in percentage points multiplied by the average contact of the campaign and can be specified for different target groups. The formula is: GRP = net reach in % x average contact (OTS). 


Heavy users Icon/plus_white

Normally read every or almost every issue of a title. »» Medium User, »» Light User.

I / J

Impact Icon/plus_white

Effect and success of communication measures, overall impression (e.g. of an advertisement).

Intermedia comparison Icon/plus_white

Evaluation and comparison of performance data between different media groups / categories.

Intermedia overlap (contact growth, accumulation) Icon/plus_white

When using several editions of the same title, parts of the readership are reached several times.

Intramedia comparison Icon/plus_white

Evaluation and comparison of performance data between different products of the same media group / category.


Leader Icon/plus_white

Gross personal annual income of at least CHF 100 000 and fulfilment of other criteria. »» Top Leader.

Lifeworlds Icon/plus_white

A »» segmentation of the MACH Basic respondents results in six groups of people: «Learners», «Young Nokids», «Young Withkids», «Nokids», «Withkids» and «Pensioners». Segmentation criteria: Age, employment, household composition.

Light User Icon/plus_white

Usually read less than half of the issues of a title. »» Medium users, »» Heavy users.


MA Icon/plus_white

Stands for Media Analysis. MAs (e.g. MA Leader) are commissioned studies that are not necessarily commissioned by the entire industry, but possibly only by a group of publishers.

MA Net Icon/plus_white

This Internet user study provides information on the number and composition of Internet users in Switzerland and Liechtenstein as well as on the purpose of their use. The subject of the study is the Internet in globo (and not individual sites or offers). Method and sample: representative sample in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein (14 years and older).

MACH Icon/plus_white

Media Analysis Switzerland. The MACH studies are currency studies from the WEMF single-source research system.

MACH Basic Icon/plus_white

The national readership survey in Switzerland. Provides the Swiss advertising market with the «official reach» of Swiss newspapers and magazines (individual titles, total issues and combinations of titles). Repräsentative Stichprobe von ca. 30 000 Personen pro Publikation. Grundgesamtheit der Stichprobe sind alle in der Schweiz und im Fürstentum Liechtenstein ansässigen Personen mit Alter ³ 14, die in Privathaushalten leben. Publikation: 2-mal pro Jahr (April und Oktober).

MACH Population Icon/plus_white

Resident population of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein: a) aged 14 and over, b) in private households, »» MACH Basic.

MACH Consumer Icon/plus_white

The largest consumer media study in Switzerland. This study links consumer behaviour and media use. Method and sample: A written survey is conducted on the basis of the MACH Basic survey. It is published once a year, in October each year.

MACH Strategy Icon/plus_white

As an intermedia study, this study for strategic media planning offers valuable support in the intermedia evaluation of the various media genres and individual media. By linking consumption data and typologies (»» MACH Consumer) with media usage data for print, television, radio, cinema and internet (»» MACH Basic, MACH Consumer), this study enables a systematic analysis of the media market. Method and sample: representative sample in Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Publication: once a year, in November each year.

MACH Total Audience Icon/plus_white

In addition to the readership of the printed edition of a print-based media brand, the intermedia study also records that of its online offerings and thus provides information about the cross-media use of a media brand.

MACH Values Icon/plus_white

The study, in which psychographic criteria can be linked with consumption and media data, thus providing the user with information on the positioning of products, brands, services, shopping channels and print media.

Market potential Icon/plus_white

The realistic-maximum absorptive capacity of a market for a particular type of product (expressed in units of quantity or value).

Market volume Icon/plus_white

Goods actually exchanged between all market participants in a given period of time (expressed in quantity or value units).

Marketing Icon/plus_white

Comprises all the market-oriented and market-focused activities of a company.

Marketing Mix Icon/plus_white

Combination of market cultivation instruments such as market and product research, product planning and design, pricing policy, advertising, sales planning, distribution, customer service, etc.

Media evaluation Icon/plus_white

Assessment and evaluation of »» media plans.

Media Mix Icon/plus_white

Media plan that weights and considers different media in order to achieve optimal coverage in a cost-efficient way.

Media plan Icon/plus_white

Combination of different advertising media. Contains the individual elements of media planning such as »». Reach, »» thousand reader price, »» thousand contact price, »» OTS, »» GRP, dates, budget and locations.

Media planning Icon/plus_white

Planning of media deployment taking into account qualitative and quantitative factors, tailored to the target group and advertising objectives.

Media selection Icon/plus_white

Multi-stage selection of media in planning according to various specifications and criteria.

Medium User Icon/plus_white

Usually read about half of the issues of a title. »» Heavy User, »» Light User.


Narrower user group (ENK) Icon/plus_white

ENK = Heavy User + Medium User. Print: At least three out of six issues of a title are usually read. Cinema: Attendance at the cinema at least once every three months. Internet / Radio / TV: Use (almost) daily or several times a week. Websites: Use (almost) daily, several times a week or 1 time a week.

Net reach Icon/plus_white

The proportion of the target group who have seen at least one of a given group of publications.

Net sample Icon/plus_white

Actual respondents. »» Gross sample, »» Non-response.

NET-Metrix profiles Icon/plus_white

The currency study NET-Metrix-Profile provided precise target group information and valid media data (incl. reach) on the participating web offers every six months. »» Total Audience, »» MACH Strategy.

NEXT>LEVEL Icon/plus_white

WEMF's own data analysis tool for accessing WEMF studies, statistics and databases as well as other third-party studies.

Non-Replica Icon/plus_white

Digital edition of a title, which, however, differs from the printed edition in editorial content / advertisements as well as in presentation / format. »» Replica.

Non-response Icon/plus_white

Interview drop-outs (refusals, not reached, illness, etc.). »» Net sample, »» Gross sample.

Normative question Icon/plus_white

Captures the usual behaviour («normally»), according to the statement of the respondent.

Number of pick-ups per issue Icon/plus_white

This value indicates how often an issue of a particular title is picked up on average by its readership to read / flip through before it is finally put on the page. Since print titles are relatively long-lived, usually the same issue of a title X has several acts of use, in contrast to broadcasts or commercials in the "fleeting" electronic media Y. This contact-qualifying information can only be calculated for titles that have a sufficiently large »» BRS. »» CTQ


OTS Icon/plus_white

Opportunity to see, »» Average contact.


PAC Icon/plus_white

«Prediction Accuracy Check» is the first offering from » » BPI that validates and verifies a publisher's or marketer's online targeting predictions, such as socio-demographic distributions, interests, purchase intentions and brand preferences, by comparing them with representative WEMF survey data.

Page impressions Icon/plus_white

Number of view contacts of any internet user with a measured website. It is possible to have page impressions measured, certified and published separately for different areas of a website.

Panel survey Icon/plus_white

Selected persons / households who are regularly surveyed during a certain period of time.

Pi value cinema (contact probability) Icon/plus_white

With the calibration of cinema attendance probabilities, individual contact chances (Pi) are estimated per interview. This estimation is carried out in several structural segments of the sample. The estimate is calculated from the number of people who have been to the cinema in the last seven days. »» Cinema / weekly reach of a cinema pool.

Population Icon/plus_white

The number of statistical units for which a statement is to be made. In the case of the MACH surveys, these are all residents of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein aged 14 and over who live in private households. The published coverage figures refer to this segment of the population.

Projection Icon/plus_white

Extrapolation of the sample to the population. The total readership is extrapolated from the relevant sample reach to the population. Normally rounded to 1 000 readers.

Psychography Icon/plus_white

Characterisation of individuals according to attitudes and values to explain buyer and consumer behaviour.

Publication period, last Icon/plus_white

The time interval between issues of a publication. For daily titles: yesterday; for weekly titles: last seven days; for fortnightly titles: last 14 days; for monthly titles: last four weeks.


Qualitative market research Icon/plus_white

Research with the aim of determining evaluations, motivations, attitudes and perceptions.

Quantitative market research Icon/plus_white

Data collection using standardised research methods to ensure statistical »» representativeness of the results.


Random Icon/plus_white

Random. Plays a role above all in sampling procedures. »» Random sample, »» Random quota sample, »» Random sample.

Random Quota Sample Icon/plus_white

 Random sample / random quota sample.

Random sample Icon/plus_white

 Random sample.

RDD Icon/plus_white

Random Digit Dialing. A procedure in which the telephone numbers to be called for an interview are generated directly by the computer, for all possible telephone numbers in the Swiss telephone system.

Reach Icon/plus_white

Reach indicates - either as a percentage or as an extrapolation (projection) - how many readers an average issue of a particular title has. The reach or readership of an issue of a title can be determined with the help of various questions or on the basis of direct evaluations of the answers or on the basis of mathematical calculations. Reach is also known as penetration or coverage. «Gross reach».

Reach cRR, calculated Recent Readership (formerly LpA, readers per issue) Icon/plus_white

Readership of an average issue. The cRR corresponds in size to »» dRR. cRR is the sum of the individual contact probabilities of all readers of a title. Media plans can be calculated with the range cRR.

Reach dRR, direct Recent Readership (formerly LpN, readers per issue) Icon/plus_white

Readership of an average issue of a title; the dRR results directly from the survey. »» Recency question.

Reach LpA (readers per issue) Icon/plus_white

 new Reach cRR.

Reach LpN (readers per issue) Icon/plus_white

 new reach dRR.

Reader categories Icon/plus_white

 Heavy user, »» Medium user, »» Light user.

Readers per copy (RPC) Icon/plus_white

An estimate of the number of people who read an average copy of a publication. It is calculated by dividing readership by circulation. The formula is: RpC = reach or readers of the title / circulation of the title (copies).

Recency question Icon/plus_white

Refers to the time when a title was last picked up to read or leaf through.

Recognition test Icon/plus_white

Recognition e.g. of an advertising message based on original artwork.

Regular circulation Icon/plus_white

Some newspapers are distributed in both a normal and a large circulation. The large circulation is distributed free of charge to all households in a certain area in addition to the normal circulation. With certain additional questions and a specially developed evaluation model, the reading behaviour for normal circulation (N) and for large circulation (G) is determined and shown separately. »» Large print runs.

Replica Icon/plus_white

Digital editions in the form of replicas are the immaterially transmitted main editions of a title that correspond to the printed version in all details of content, layout (incl. placement of advertisements) and publication method. Digital editions in the form of replicas can be enriched with films, photo galleries, music or additional text elements. The terms «replica» and «e-paper» are understood as synonyms. »» Non-Replica.

Representativeness Icon/plus_white

Each element of the population has the same chance of being selected (assumption from probability theory). In the case of random sampling, a confidence interval can be specified on the basis of the number of samples. If the sample size is sufficient, the selected subset represents a reduced but true-to-life image of the population.

Response rate Icon/plus_white

Proportion of persons who were actually interviewed.

RpC, Readers per Copy (formerly LpE, readers per copy) Icon/plus_white

Dividing the total readership of an issue of a title by the circulation of that title yields the number of «readers per copy». This value is often used to check the plausibility of readership research results.

RUS, Regular Usership (formerly ENK, Narrower User Circle) Icon/plus_white

Is a common denominator in relation to the use of different media genres, which is necessary for a large-scale comparison of intermedia. The reach values are not suitable for this, as they are collected and defined differently for each media genre. Therefore, the MACH Strategy uses the «RUS - Regular Usership» as the basis for all calculations for the intermedia comparison. This is defined in the same way for each medium, regardless of whether it is an electronic or a print medium: In each case it is the group of people who regularly use a medium.


Sample Icon/plus_white

A subset taken from a »» population according to scientific rules. Contrary to a »» complete survey.

Sample / random quota sample Icon/plus_white

Reduced model of the population, whereby the selection is made at random in the first stage and according to predefined characteristic values (quotas) in the second stage. »» Random, »» random sample.

Sample / Random sample Icon/plus_white

Reduced model of the population, with random selection. »» Random, »» random sample.

Sample / stratified two-stage random sample Icon/plus_white

Stratified = stratified, strata / stratum in the »» MACH Basic: specification of the interviews to be carried out per weekday and postcode area. 1st stage: random selection of telephone numbers of private households from a telephone directory (without unregistered numbers), 2nd stage: random selection of the target person(s) to be interviewed in the household.

Screening Icon/plus_white

Selection of target groups through »» filter questions.

Segmentation Icon/plus_white

Division of the total market into homogeneous groups that overlap as little as possible.

Significance Icon/plus_white

Statistical confidence. »» Confidence interval.

Single-source Icon/plus_white

Data from different studies come from the same respondent.

SKS (page contact sum) Icon/plus_white

Quantification of the gross readership of an average page (= page contacts) in the issue of a title. Step towards quantification of contacts with advertisements (= advertising media contacts). The formula is: The SKS results from multiplying the extrapolated total readership of a title by its »» APX value. SKS = readership in thousands x APX.

Sociodemographics Icon/plus_white

Describes the main personal characteristics such as gender, age, etc. as well as status/society-related characteristics such as occupation, income, etc. »» Demographics.

Standardised interview Icon/plus_white

Precisely formulated questionnaire, which precisely specifies the order of individual questions, as well as every permitted explanation / answer option.

Stratified sample Icon/plus_white

Random sampling / stratified two-stage selection.

Structure Icon/plus_white

Composition of the readership of a title or composition of the »» population.

Survey Icon/plus_white

Study, survey, investigation.


Target group Icon/plus_white

Target group of people who are to be specifically addressed with a communicative measure in order to advertise a product or service. The target group definition and thus market segmentation is usually based on socio-demographic characteristics as well as consumer / purchasing behaviour and psychographic criteria.

Thousand reader price (TRP) Icon/plus_white

Indicator for assessing the relationship between the advertising costs (e.g. of a media plan) and the size of the (net) readership reached with the »» media plan. The formula is: TLP = advertising media costs / net reach in thousands (Note: net reach in thousands corresponds to the projection.) »» Media planning.

Time spent reading per issue Icon/plus_white

This value indicates how long on average an issue is read in total before it is finally put on the page.

Title combinations Icon/plus_white

Grouping of titles that are jointly booked by advertising clients at a specific price. This price is usually lower than if the titles were booked individually.

Title groups Icon/plus_white

Classification of all titles in MACH Basic according to the new typology of Swiss press media VSM.

Title loyalty Icon/plus_white

The title quality «title loyalty» provides information on the strength of the bond that exists between the press titles and their readership. It is measured using a standardised «missing question» with four possible answers. The value shown indicates the proportion of readers who would «very much miss" or «miss» a title if it were no longer published.  » » CTQ

TLP Icon/plus_white

Thousand-reader price.

Top Leader Icon/plus_white

Gross personal annual income of at least CHF 140 000 and fulfilment of other criteria. »» Leader.

Total Audience Icon/plus_white

The intermedia study allows the analysis of combined reach of press titles and the corresponding web offers on a currency level. A valuable aid for determining the reach of media brands with print and online offerings. Published are media brands that have the user groups of their offerings in both the press and online markets surveyed by WEMF (MACH Basic) and NET-Metrix AG (»» NET-Metrix Profiles).


Unique Clients Icon/plus_white

Number of devices (clients) from which a website is accessed. The unique clients are determined via permanent cookies and other identification features.

Universe Icon/plus_white

Basic population.

Use Time Icon/plus_white

Average duration of a visit (website).

User categories Icon/plus_white

 Heavy user, »» Medium user, »» Light user.


Variable Icon/plus_white

Characteristic with different values. »» Cross-tabulation.

Visits Icon/plus_white

Related usage processes on websites. In the net audit, those page impressions of an Internet user are combined into one visit, between which the time distance is a maximum of 30 minutes. If a user returns to a website after more than 30 minutes, a new visit is counted in the system.

W / X / Y

Weighting Icon/plus_white

Compensation for drop-outs and possible structural shifts in the realised sample by multiplication with corresponding weighting factors.

WEMF AG for Advertising Media Research Icon/plus_white

The WEMF is a neutral and non-profit research organisation. Its primary task is to continuously provide the advertising industry and media owners with neutral and comparative data on the Swiss advertising and media user market - with a focus on the reader market. To this end, WEMF conducts numerous industry studies and compiles industry statistics. The company was founded in 1964.

WEMF Distribution Statistics Icon/plus_white

This survey on the distribution of newspapers, combinations, supplements, large circulations, advertisers and official gazettes shows the geographical distribution or circulation of a press organ and is used to plan regional and local advertising campaigns. These data are important assessment variables, especially in the local area, in order to be able to assess and optimise advertising campaigns of local advertisers. Circulation data shows how many households in a geographically defined area are reached by print objects. Readership research, on the other hand, usually measures how many people are reached by print media. »» MACH Basic.

Widest readership (WLK) / Widest user group (WNK) Icon/plus_white

 BRS, Broadest Readership.

WLK / WNK Icon/plus_white

Widest readership / widest user group.

Worlds of interest Icon/plus_white

The 33 subject areas of MACH Basic are grouped into seven worlds of interest: «Modern World», «Classical-Musical World», «World of Money and Politics», «World of Beautiful Things», «Natural World», «Family World», «Happy World».