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Publications: MACH Basic with KTQs and MACH Total Audience

Frühlingspublikation 2023-1

On 4 April, WEMF published the national readership study MACH Basic 2023-1, which provides the official currency for print media planning and publisher marketing in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Since its publication in 2022-2, MACH Basic has reported key figures on contact and title qualities (KTQs) at individual title level. The data on reading volume, reading duration, number of pick-ups and title loyalty show how readers use their press titles and how strongly they feel connected to them.

On the same day, the MACH Total Audience study was published after a two-year break - for the first time in cooperation with Mediapulse. The intermedia study records not only the readership of the printed edition of a print-based media brand but also that of its online offerings and thus provides information about the cross-media use of a media brand. 

In addition to German and French, both studies are now also available in English in the NEXT>LEVEL evaluation tool.

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