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Marie-Ange Pittet on Cominmag Live

Cominmag Podcast Marie-Ange

On Wednesday 21 June, Marie-Ange Pittet, Director of Product Management at WEMF, made an appearance on the «Cominmag Live» podcast. 

In a 30-minute conversation, she discussed media research in Switzerland and the studies and tasks of WEMF with Victoria Marchand (cominmag.ch) and Thierry Weber (breew.com), the founders of the Le Meilleur de association. After a short presentation of the WEMF, the methodology of the MACH studies, MACH Basic, the new publication of MACH Total Audience as well as the advantages of MACH Consumer and MACH Strategy were discussed. 

From the short exchange it became clear: reader research is the basis, however WEMF offers much more. Insights into consumer behaviour, comparison of print and online reach, intermedia insights for campaign planning and much more.

Recording of the podcast