
Before 526 Days

First streaming single offering in the MACH Strategy

MACH Strategy Erstes Streaming Angebot WEB

As of last year, streaming platforms are reported in six groups in MACH Strategy (audio, video, international, Switzerland, free, paid). These groups are based on the net totals of 16 individual offerings, which also include the TV streaming provider Zattoo. As of the fourth quarter of 2023, Zattoo can now be reported as an individual offering in the MACH Strategy study. This positions the streaming platform with the optimal presence and analysability in the national intermedia study for campaign planning and the evaluation of media strategies.

Zattoo was founded on the occasion of the 2006 World Cup and has several million users per month from Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The company's headquarters are in Zurich. WEMF is proud that Zattoo, one of Europe's leading TV streaming providers, is the first to be identified as an individual offering in MACH Strategy.