
Before 460 Days

First cross-national circulation certificate issued


The national organizations for the audit of press media in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have issued the first cross-national circulation certificate. This certificate includes the circulation figures for the distribution of a press title in the D-A-CH region.

The magazine "Falstaff" is the first press publication to receive the cross-national circulation certificate. The prerequisite for holding this certificate is active membership in the organizations in Germany (IVW), Austria (ÖAK) and Switzerland (WEMF). "Falstaff" has a cross-national circulation of 147,564 copies. In Germany, the circulation figure is 63,016, in Austria 57,532 and in Switzerland 27,016. As is customary, the certificate is valid for one year and must then be renewed by undergoing a new audit. IVW, ÖAK and WEMF are pleased about the first joint certification of circulation figures and congratulate "Falstaff" on its successful certification.